
Don’t worry I’m alive,just being a tad dramatic.(Which you should know by this time that I AM.)


The monster showed up after midnight. As they do.

But it isn’t the monster Conor’s been expecting. He’s been expecting the one from his nightmare, the one he’s had nearly every night since his mother started her treatments, the one with the darkness and the wind and the screaming…

This monster is something different, though. Something ancient, something wild. And it wants the most dangerous thing of all from Conor.

It wants the truth.

The problem with book reviews is that I can’t exactly tell you why I love a book so damn much. I can’t scream in joy and give out all my favorite parts to explain how it made me feel.And that is the exact reason why I prefer book talks over book reviews.(Funny I call myself a book reviewer,lol)

I couldn’t have been ANY more subtle about the fact that I absolutely loved loved loved this book and now it has earned the deserving position of one of my favorite books.It was perfect.

There are books you read for fun,to enjoy and to rave about it. But then there are books that are so deeply dark and beautiful that it haunts you long after you’ve kept your book down. A monster calls was one of them. Throughout the book,the monster narrates 3 stories to Conor which in a way or other explains how complicated people are,how complicated life is and we can do nothing about it except at least be truthful to ourselves to ease our own pain.Obviously,this book had so much more to it which I believe anyone would only understand after reading the book. It was so truthful and just painfully beautiful.

I don’t know to judge this book in professional terms because for me,it was all about the feeling that this book gave me.(But I’ll try)

  • The writing was flawless and very simple
  • The story was fast paced and totally gripping
  • All the Characters were whimsical,especially Conor who was so innocent yet somehow grown up for his age.
  • It was a perfect blend of real and unreal,yet so real.(Okay,I’m barely making sense but I hope you get me because we bookworms are of the same breed.)
  • Definitely an emotional book which will leave you heartbroken and satisfied at the same time. (P.S I Cried.)

So Here are the reasons why you should read it:

A. Patrick Ness is an amazing author and anything by him is a wonder in itself but especially this book truly reflects how sophisticated and beautiful his style of writing and choosing just the right words is. Also the original idea of the story was of Siobhan Dowd who assigned the job of writing the book to Patrick Ness because she had cancer and she couldn’t complete it herself.

B.It’s truthful and it will make you think,which many of us don’t do these days.(LOL)

C.Because I told you to do so. (Also because I want you to feel the pain at the end of the book just like I did because I’m evil)

D.Movie is coming out in Jan,so be sure to go see that too!


Have you read A Monster Calls? Did you feel as strongly as I did about it! Also,what are you guys plans for Christmas? I’d lovee to know.

23 thoughts on “A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness (The beautifully dark book that killed me)

  1. I read this book a few weeks ago and love it! It was my first novel by Patrick Ness and I for sure am going to check out his other books really soon. The ending though…I aren’t cried so hard while reading a book in a really long time. Gut wrenching but beautifully so.

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